We’re Launching Arts Law’s Corporate Allies Program

A graphic promoting the Corporate Allies program.

We invite you to partner with us to strengthen arts and culture to make a better world.  

Until 31 May 2024 firms, corporates and businesses have the added opportunity to double your impact as a Corporate Ally thanks to a one-off matched funding campaign supported by Creative Australia through Plus1. 

Arts Law’s Corporate Allies are true partners in our mission; sharing their time, financial support and expertise to make a lasting impact on Australia’s cultural landscape.  

As Australia’s only community legal centre for the arts we are  experts working at the intersection of art and the law.  Invest in Arts Law’s 40 years of experience and join us in our mission to empower artists through the law. 

What is the impact of your support?  

Demand for our free and subsidised legal services is increasing as more artists are empowered to know their rights. Requests for our document review service increased by 35% in 2023 and the cost of delivering these vital services is rising while traditional funding streams remain stagnant.  

Over the last five years we have made it our goal to explore and develop new revenue streams that align with our values, to increase our financial sustainability. Our experience shows that increased philanthropic and earned income has a direct effect on the number of services delivered, our ability to service regional and remote communities and build our internal capacity. 

Your Corporate Allyship will have a direct impact. 

We want to build a network of like-minded partners who can work with us to drive real outcomes.  We have the experience, the expertise, the relationships to deliver outcomes but we need sustainable financial support to continue to grow and achieve our goals. 

Becoming a Corporate Ally will help us broaden and amplify our impact and do more for Australia’s artists. 

Arts Law key activities  

Arts Law provides practical legal support and best practice advice to strengthen the capabilities and capacity of artists and arts and cultural organisations throughout Australia. Our legal advice is free or heavily subsidised and enables artists to deal with issues that can be major barriers to their artistic and financial success. 

In 2023 we delivered 2970 legal advices to artists across the country. Already in 2024 we have seen a 33% increase in the number of legal queries and we desperately need additional resources to keep up with increasing demand. 

We support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, arts organisations and communities with legal advice, resources and professional development opportunities through our Artists in the Black (AITB) service. AITB travels to remote art centres throughout Australia,  providing vital legal services to artists, art centre workers and communities. Our wills project, in particular, has experienced significant growth over the last decade and demand for this service far exceeds our current capacity. This work requires ongoing financial support, above and beyond what our core funding allows. 

Become a Corporate Ally 

If you’d like to discuss Corporate Allyship or learn more about the benefits please contact our team at [email protected]