WA welcomes Sarah

This month we welcome Sarah Oldfield to the Arts Law team. Based in Perth, solicitor Sarah is on a 12 month secondment to Arts Law through HBA Legal. This role is also made possible through the support of Lotterywest. Arts Law would like to extend our thanks to both HBA Legal and Lotterywest.

At Arts Law Sarah will be advising artists on all their legal needs, running workshops and outreach trips throughout WA and working with local partners, arts organisations and peak bodies.

Sarah has tertiary degrees in Arts, Law and Commerce and joins Arts Law from State government and the tertiary research sector. In previous roles she has advised clients on information and privacy law, emerging technologies, policy and law reform, intellectual property, and the development of contracts for creative projects.

Her previous work as a coordinator for Lions Outback Vision, which works to treat preventable blindness in regional, remote, and Indigenous communities also means Sarah is no stranger to the not-for-profit sector.

Outside of work, Sarah is committed to building community connections with regular involvement in community events, community garden and co-hosting monthly spoken work poetry events. Her free time is often spent ‘making’ all sorts of things – poetry, painting and mixed-media sculpture, short films, costumes and seasonal art installations (particularly for Halloween), home DIY projects… if it’s creative she’s probably given it a go.