Help Support the Arts in our 2021 Giving Campaign

As we naviagte our way back towards the “new normal”, there is an opportunity to focus on what is important, on what nourishes our lives, on what makes our lives better, and what we can actively do to make it a better world.

We want to make the arts part of the new normal.

The end of the financial year is fast approaching and we at Arts Law are reaching out to ask you to help support the arts. By making a tax deductible donation to Arts Law, you can help protect the rights and incomes of Australia’s artists. 

Thank you to all our donors who have given generously this end of financial year. Every extra dollar amplifies our impact and makes a meaningful difference to the artists who rely on our services.  In the last year alone your donations have helped us to:

  • Provide vital legal advice to 2265 artists around Australia
  • Deliver legal education sessions to 1946 participants
  • Assist 596 Aboriginal and Torres Strait clients through Artists in the Black

If you have not done so already and would like to take advantage of your tax deductible donation this financial year please give before 30 June 2021 by making a donation on our website or contact [email protected].

Our 2020 Giving Campaign saw a record number of donors willing to support our artists. In 2021, we would like to build on that success and remember that while we are slowly returning to the “new normal”, Australia’s artists are still facing enormous challenges.

During trying and challenging times, if art has comforted you, kept you sane, and filled the hours of days when you wrestled with uncertainty, it is time to welcome the richness of art back into our lives.

Arts Law exists for our purpose to strengthen the value and respect for arts and culture to make it a better world.

We are asking you to help us make a better world by supporting Australia’s artists and creative communities. Arts Law empowers artists to know their rights and advocate for themselves through access to our vital services.

As Australia’s arts community is in recovery after all the hardship of the past 18 months, the arts landscape is still vulnerable, and we need to make sure we can help in any way we can to ensure the strength and sustainability of our art communities and the creatives who exist within it. 

No matter how big or small, your donation means more artists can access our vital services and we can continue to advocate for their rights.  

We are asking you to help us make a better world by supporting Australia’s artists and creative communities by making a tax-deductible donation to Arts Law before 30 June 2021 at or you can contact us at [email protected] to talk about ways you can contribute. 

Thank you for your support.