Planes & Troopies: Getting to Numbulwar and Ngukurr

It’s been quite a week for Arts Law’s Donna Robinson and her outreach companion Alexandra Walker from Gadens, who accompanied us pro bono and provided invaluable support during the trip.
Jumping between planes, charter flights, and troopies – alongside a pleasant 7+ hour drive back to Darwin in a 4WD Fortuna – the pair passed the time talking about many things [often punctuated by the refrain ‘I’m a Feminist But … I’m happy if a man stops in the highway to help change a tyre.’].
Donna and Alexandra visited both Numbulwar and Ngukurr, two art centres Arts Law haven’t been able to get to before. Now, though, with the support of FRRR and Gadens, our team were able to reach these communities. Meeting with some lovely, talented artists and centre staff, Arts Law want to give particular thanks to the two art centre managers – Ella Doonan and Holly Shuttleworth.
The artists in these centres have a wide range of expertise, with Numbulwar, located in the Gulf of Carpentaria, known for its weaving and use of ghost nets. Ngukurr, in turn, works heavily in painting, printing, and wood carving. Donna and Alexandra gave a workshop on artists rights and assisted themwith various legal advices and wills work.
It was very special to visit these two communities in South Eastern Arnhem Land – and a privilege to meet with the artists and dedicated staff and work with them in the studios.