Catch You In Cairns!
Immersing yourself in different cultures provides extraordinary opportunities to see through new eyes and to...
Immersing yourself in different cultures provides extraordinary opportunities to see through new eyes and to...
During July 2023, Arts Law and our partners conducted a survey to understand how creators...
This month, Arts Law has reviewed the terms and conditions of the Kimberley Art and...
Connecting with artists offline can often be vital in providing legal advice and education, particularly...
Taking a break from Court deadlines, Chloe Hillary has been immersing herself in all things...
Now farewelling our current volunteers, Jess and Tash, we gain a glimpse into their experiences...
The Arts Law Centre of Australia, the nation’s only community legal centre dedicated to providing...
What is the line between inspiration and copying? Homage and plagiarism? As a musician you...
Beginning her journey at the University of Central Florida, Ashna Govil's journey to Arts Law...
Arts Law's CEO, along with volunteer lawyers, visited the Kimberley to connect with artists and...
Arts Law has proved particularly relevant to our new Paralegal's interests, with music mixing and...
Alongside dabbling in copyright law, Eliza is particularly interested in defamation law, and enjoyed spending a majority...