New Indigenous Consultancy template

One way to shine a spotlight on Indigenous issues, is though films, books and theatrical works.
If you’re an author or film maker or other creative, looking to engage a First Nations person to help you authentically and accurately describe Indigenous customs, persons or events, Arts Law has a new template agreement that you can use.
Importantly, this new template protects and preserves the Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property or ICIP of the Indigenous Consultant and their community. The template does this by setting out how to deal with ICIP that’s included in the work the Indigenous Consultant does for you.
The template Indigenous Consultancy Agreement should be used when a creative wishes to engage an Indigenous consultant to “proof” any aspects of a production, book or theatrical work which relates to Indigenous culture, place and subject matter. Ideally, the consultant will have a cultural connection with the place or subject matter, though this may not be a formal requirement by funders.
You can purchase the template here
Remember that Arts Law can give you advice over the phone to let you know if this template agreement is right for you and your situation. We can also look over your completed contract and make sure it covers all your needs.