Legal help: who can you go to?

Legal help: who can you go to?

Arts Law
We offer telephone legal advice, as well as information sheets and sample agreements. We can advise you on contracts and sometime help you get further legal advice if needed.

Contacts us

Australian Copyright Council
Tel (02) 8815 9777
The Australian Copyright Council offers a free legal advice service to composers, writers, artists, film makers, designers and photographers who have copyright issues.

Disability Discrimination Legal Service
Tel 03 9654 8644 / 1300 882 872 (free for country callers)
TTY 03 9654 6817
The Disability Discrimination Legal Service works in disability discrimination legal matters. They provide free legal services, information, advice, casework assistance, community legal education, and policy and law reform.

Mental Health Legal Centre (MHLC)
Tel (03) 9629 4422 / 1800 555 887 (free for country callers)
MHLC provides a free and private legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness in Victoria where their legal problem relates to their mental illness.

Victoria Legal Aid
Tel (03) 9269 0120 / 1800 677 402 (free call for country areas)
Victoria Legal Aid can provide free legal information and access to legal aid services.

Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service
Tel (03) 5229 2925 / 1800 014 111
Villamanta is a legal centre that works only on disability related legal issues. They aim is to make sure people in Victoria who have an intellectual disability know about the law, and can use the law to help look after their rights.


Australasian Performing Right Association | Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society (APRA|AMCOS)
APRA-AMCOS is a copyright collecting agency for copyright owners of musical works.

Copyright Agency Limited (CAL)
Tel (02) 9394 7600 / Toll free 1800 066 844
CAL is a copyright management organisation that represents authors, journalists, visual artists, surveyors, photographers, and newspaper, magazine and book publishers.


Tel (02) 6248 8992
Ausdance is the peak organisation for the Australian dance sector.

Intellectual Property Australia
Tel 1300 651 010 (freecall)
IP Australia is a Federal Government organisation that provides legal information and registration material for trademarks, patents, designs and intellectual property.

Media Entertainment Arts Alliance (MEAA)
Tel 1300 656 512
MEAA is trade union that represents entertainment and information industry workers, such as actors and performers.

National Association of Visual Artists (NAVA)
Tel (02) 9368 1900
NAVA is the peak organisation for the Australian visual arts and craft sector.

What is Raw Law?

Learn more about these resources developed with Arts Access Victoria.