Media Arts
Media art is the use of many different art forms in one work (film, photography,...
Media art is the use of many different art forms in one work (film, photography,...
Moral Rights recognise a musician's ongoing connection with their creative work and reflect the principle that...
This information sheet breaks down the basics of giving permission to another group or person...
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property refers to the rights that Indigenous people have, and want...
Good governance is crucial for running a healthy organisation. This information sheet describes the fundamentals...
This information sheet acts as a very basic legal dictionary to explain the plain meaning...
This fact sheet provides information on the nature of copyright in dramatic works, the rights of...
A basic run down of copyright as it applies to music and lyrics....
The authenticity of an Aboriginal artwork is important for ethical, legal and value reasons. So,...
The Copyright Licence Toolkit – Art Centres (the Toolkit) contains model best practice copyright licences...
This Wills Kit has been developed to assist families of Indigenous visual artists who made...
This Wills Kit has been developed to assist families of Indigenous visual artists who made...