Have your say! IP Australia’s Indigenous Knowledge Project

Arts Law is in the process of putting together a submission as part of IP Australia’s public consultation on proposed changes to Australia’s Intellectual Property system to create opportunities and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. The aim of the project is to “enhance the intellectual property system to help enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to benefit from and protect their Indigenous Knowledge.”
You can access and read the full consultation paper here.
IP Australia is seeking feedback on the following four topics:
- Establish an Indigenous Advisory Panel – provide a formal Indigenous voice to IP Australia.
- Enhance the process for trade marks and designs – support Indigenous Knowledge owners to benefit from, and consent to, the use of their Indigenous Knowledge.
- Declare the source of Indigenous Knowledge in new innovations – encourage transparency and recognition of Indigenous Knowledge owners.
- Explore interest in authenticity labelling – promote Indigenous products.
We’d encourage anyone interested in these issues to give their feedback and have your say in how you’d like to see change.
To have your say and let IP Australia hear your thoughts on these issues you can fill in a short 15 minute survey or contact them via email.
Arts Law will be participating in the process and making our own submisssion which we will also be publishing here on our webiste.