First ratification of WIPO Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge Treaty
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recently reported that Malawi has ratified the WIPO Treaty on...
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) recently reported that Malawi has ratified the WIPO Treaty on...
Now More Than Ever is the theme for Reconciliation Week 2024. As described by Reconciliation...
This month the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO’s) Intergovernmental Committee on Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural...
As a fitting embodiment of the persistence and compromise necessary for reconciliation in action, a...
Arts Law encourages everyone, and in particular Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and...
IP Australia have released the final report of the Scoping Study on Stand-Alone Legislation for...
“Inauthentic arts and crafts … disrespect and misrepresent culture and, by misleading consumers and denting...
Arts Law has made a submission to the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA), who are...
Indigenous Cultural Heritage Laws: update on Juukan Gorge Inquiry and Arts Law’s Response to the...
Arts Law is pleased to share the recent launch by the World Intellectual Property Organisation...
Arts Law is in the process of putting together a submission as part of IP...