Emerging Indigenous writer, Lystra Rose signs a publishing contract for her first book

Lystra Rose is an emerging Indigenous writer based in Queensland. In 2018, Lystra was awarded the black&write fellowship to develop her young adult fiction manuscript, which has been picked up for publication as a book by a major publishing company.
Prior to receiving the publishing contract, Lystra attended an Arts Law legal workshop. As this was Lystra’s first book and the first time she had ever seen a publishing contract, Lystra sought the support and guidance of Arts Law to understand what she would need to look out for when signing a publishing contract.
After Lystra received the publishing contract, she got in touch with the Australian Society of Authors (ASA) and sought legal advice about the contract before she signed. In partnership with the ASA, Arts Law provided Lystra with legal advice about the contract, which included explaining her rights and obligations under the contract such as copyright and ancillary rights. In addition, Arts Law gave Lystra advice about Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) as her book contains an Indigenous dreaming story from the area where her book is based.
Arts Law contacted Lystra and since receiving legal advice from Arts Law and the ASA, she has signed the publishing contract for her first book.
“I’m so excited to have a contract with a major publishing company. Thanks for all your help. I’m thrilled I went to the Arts Law seminar/workshop and met you, as I would never have had the courage to contact Arts Law and get your insightful and invaluable support through this process.”
Lystra Rose, Arts Law client