Electronic Musician/Producer Adam Bozzetto Signs with Universal Music

Adam Bozzetto is an electronic musician and music producer based in NSW, who is passionate about making good music and helping others through music. Adam was thrilled when he was approached by Universal Music Australia (Island Records label) to produce 2 songs for the band Yuma X.
While Adam had experience with dealing with independent smaller labels, he had no experience with dealing with a large label. Adam had concerns about whether the contract he was given was fair and he was not sure what to look out for in the contract. In particular, he didn’t know how his royalties would be paid and what he would have to do ensure he got paid.
So Adam contacted Arts Law for advice.
Arts Law’s pro bono lawyer, Derek Baigent advised Adam about the nature of the contractual relationship between Adam and Universal. The general concept of royalties in the music industry was explained to Adam as well as how and when he would get paid under the contract. Adam was also advised as to what his obligations were under the contract.
Adam told us that following the advice he had a good understanding of the contract and the confidence to deal with the label and sign the contract.
“I’m glad I got it checked out so I could put myself at ease. Sometimes lawyers can be intimidating and confusing but dealing with Arts Law was a super simple, easy and pleasant experience.”
It’s so important to seek advice on your music contracts before signing, to be aware of any pitfalls and to understand how you are going to be paid. Arts Law has a number of resources for musicians including template agreements. You can seek advice from Arts Law by lodging a query here.