Federal Minister for the Arts and Special Envoy appointed

Following the federal election in May and subsequent change of government, Australia now has a new Federal Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke. Burke has said he is “determined to deliver a better future for Australia’s creative sector” and has committed to a national consultation process with the sector to help inform policy decision-making.
“As I announced during the election campaign, the first step is developing a comprehensive cultural policy to bring drive, direction and vision back to the sector.”
“In the coming months I will embark on a thorough, nationwide consultation in each State and Territory to inform this cultural policy. It is important for us to get this right – but speed is of the essence.”
“Australia’s arts and entertainment sector has a government that cares about it. A government that doesn’t see the arts as an optional extra but as fundamental to our society and national identity.”
In one of his first acts as the Minster for the Arts, Burke has also appointed Susan Templeman, Federal Member for Macquarie, as Special Envoy for the Arts. This new role will help support the arts and shape government policy in relation to Austrlalia’s creative sector.
Of her appointment Templeman said “I am delighted to have the opportunity to work closely in this new role with the Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke, with his vision for a cultural policy that rebuilds and shapes the sector’s future”
“I believe strongly in the role that creativity has for our wellbeing and in our education, and that it should be fostered throughout our society so all Australians get the chance to share and see their stories.”
Arts Law is looking forward to working with the government by providing input into important policy decisions affecting Australian artists and the arts and cultural community. We are especially concerned to see changes which will improve rights and outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and to protect Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property. We would also like to ensure that our intellectual property laws stay up to date, are fit for the digital age and do not erode artists’ rights.