Artists in in the Black is gearing up for a big year in 2020.

The Artists in the Black (AITB) program for 2020 is starting to bolt ahead as the team have been busy laying down and finalising our itinerary for regional and rural engagement, outreach and service delivery.
Our first outreach trip of the year is already underway with some of the team currently visiting Mornington Island in the gulf of Carpentaria and the western Cape York community of Pormpuraaw. Further outreach for the first half of year will include a trip to Port Augusta in conjunction with Ku Arts South Australia and visits to a number of top end communities are next on the drawing board.
Closer to home Arts law AITB was invited to deliver a copyright training session to several Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts workers from regional NSW arts organisations. John Waight, our ATIB co-coordinator also attended the NSW community legal centres quarterly Indigenous Yarn Up programme to connect and discuss ways to better improve the delivery of legal services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples throughout NSW.
Arts Law and AITB were also fortunate to engage Palawa law student Art Thomas Pitchford, who hails from Flinders Island, as a legal intern as part of the Aurora Internship program. Art’s month long internship saw him contribute to research and planning, assisting with advices and work on our language projects. The whole team wish all the best in his future.
Arts Law also welcomed Jack Howard into the team as the Artist in the Black Paralegal. Jack has extensive knowledge and experience working in the visual arts and cultural sector which combined with his legal expertise makes him a welcome addition to the AITB team.
Keep an eye out for more updates about our 2020 program and activities.