2020 FUSE Glass Prize
Congratulations to JamFactory for excellent copyright terms. They reflect a respectful and fair treatment of...
Showing 1–12 of 154 results
Congratulations to JamFactory for excellent copyright terms. They reflect a respectful and fair treatment of...
Arts Law regularly reviews the terms and conditions of competitions and rates them out of...
We all want to get paid for our work, right? Imagine you have given your...
Arts Law was approached by an artist who instructed us that she had discovered parts...
Abdul Abdullah’s work explores the experience of “the other” in Australian society and often engages...
It’s wonderful to see that as a result of our advice The National Capital Art...
When an artist sees a fake of their work for sale, the impact is felt...
Albert Namatjira's family’s legal influence over the management of his art after death was compromised...
Jason Passfield contacted Arts Law when he believed a design he had created had been...
Stephen Hogarth is an Indigenous visual artist in Queensland who has experienced ongoing copyright violations...
Ananguku Arts and Culture Aboriginal Corporation (Anaguku Arts) is an Aboriginal owned and governed organisation...
Arts Law reached out to the Gallery to suggest ways their terms and conditions could...