Our Impact

“I found this service fabulous and highly valuable.  I was lost legally and this advice was key for me moving forward with confidence” – Arts Law client

Arts Law provides a comprehensive range of services and resources for Australia’s arts communities. In addition to delivering excellent services, Arts Law is also committed to ensuring our work has the following impacts and outcomes for Australian artists and arts organisations:

  • Artists understand their rights and are able to achieve better outcomes throughout their careers.
  • Artists know how to get the right advice for their arts practice, whatever form it takes, and are confident that Arts Law is on their side.
  • Australians value art and do not expect it to be free.
  • Helps to maintain and enhance Indigenous cultural strength through consideration of white law and traditional law in legal strategies.
  • Promotes Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) issues so that they are taken up by Indigenous and other leaders on behalf of Indigenous artists and communities.

Arts Law is also committed to ensuring the organisation is stable and sustainable, is well known throughout the arts as well as by Governments and the broader community and is an organisation which encourages the achievement of excellence by its own staff.

  • Arts Law advice is sought and heeded by government, arts organisations and arts communities.
  • Arts Law profile is such that it is top of the list for artists seeking advice.
  • Arts Law increases its income which independent of government.
  • Arts Law provides a professional working environment that values excellence and makes it possible for people to achieve excellence in their work.

“I was considering letting my queries go but I was so upset and really wanted the peace of mind and confidence to make any necessary preparations for the future. My queries were also quite simple so spending a lot of money was not an option in my current financial position. All I needed was a better insight into how I was interpreting the law. Arts Law was very patient, clear and informative and I got everything out of our conversation that I was after. Thank you for offering such a great service” – Arts Law client

Percentage of clients who had previously used Arts Law’s services (yes/no) and the rating they gave to Arts Law after receiving legal advice 

Impact and outcome measures are embedded across Arts Law’s laws programs, internal processes and governance. We use the following measures to help us understand and demonstrate how we are going:

  • Artists’ feedback on rights and expectations. Arts Law surveys all recipients of legal advice and education seminars.
  • Whether artists’ knowledge increases after contact with Arts Law. Arts Law asks our clients if knowledge increased after receiving advice and if they feel better equipped to handle similar situations in the future.
  • Client demographics and repeat usage
  • Number of Document Review Services (DRS) provided and survey on effectiveness of service
  • Case studies and testimonials from clients
  • Number of best practice advices provided to arts and other organisations to increase their capacity to support artists.
  • Number of local government and other non-arts organisation queries
  • Number of non-arts participants attending education seminars (encouraging best practice)
  • Quarterly review of advocacy work to demonstrate our achievements through submissions and meetings and to better understand current debates on advocacy issues.
  • Number of advocacy submissions referred to
  • Number of submissions incorporated into recommendations
  • Number of laws changed aligned with Arts Law’s submissions
  • Terms and conditions of prizes and competitions – changes achieved (Art stars)
  • Participation in Indigenous and Government working groups
  • Participation at Indigenous conferences and events
  • ICIP advice to Indigenous individuals and organisations
  • Embed and manage best practice policies and procedures to maintain accreditation, best practice governance and measure effectiveness.