A Record Run: Arts Law 2022 Art Auction Review

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Following on from the record success of last year, Arts Law continued running our annual Art Auction online in 2023. Coming close to reaching our goal of $100,000 yet again this year, the generous support of bidders saw us raise a total of $82,138 by auction’s end. Consequently, 2022 was our second most successful art auction ever. $49,265 will head directly back to the artists from art organisations who partnered with Arts Law in this auction, with the remaining $32,843 providing vital support to our organisation.  

Arts Law has a diverse program of initiatives that seek to engage, educate, and empower Australia’s artists. Our outreach trips to remote Australia, our Telephone Legal Advices and Document Review Service, our education workshops and webinars – without the sustained support we enjoy from our public, all of these would suffer, leaving Australia’s artists underserved and without access to affordable legal services.. 

So, thank you. Thank you to the bidders, to the art centres, and to the artists. Thank you, also, to our returning sponsors in New Chambers, who said that: 

“It is a great honour for the barristers and staff at New Chambers to be in a position to sponsor the Arts Law auction in 2022. 

Arts Law is a wonderful organisation with a great history with its staff, members and volunteers having the foresight and wisdom to identify a gap in society where lawyers can make a real difference for the Arts Community.”

Over 100 artworks were up for auction from 23 wonderful arts organisations. If you saw something you just couldn’t secure, we’d encourage you to consider sourcing your art from these organisations in the future: Australian Design Centre • Bana Yirriji • Boomalli • Bula Bula • Ernabella • Iltja Ntjarra Art Centre • Iwantja • Jilamara • Maningrida Arts & Culture • Martumili • Merrepen • Mirndiyan Gununa • Nagula Jarndu • Papulankutja • Spinifex Arts Project • Studio A • Tangentyere • Tjala Arts • Tjanpi • Tjarlili • Warakurna Artists • Waringarri • Warlayirti Artists 

We are already excited about 2023 and extending our run of record events, and we hope that you will join us then too.