We’re Tantalisingly Close – Help Us Secure Our Goal!

Robyn Ayres speaking at our 2023 Art Auction finale, hosted at New Chambers. Background artworks by Vanessa Inkamala (The Gumtree Got Everything) and Brian Robinson (Walek the bringer of fire). Photo by George Zeaiter.

Arts Law’s 2023 Art Auction was our second most successful on record. Raising $88,803, the auction engaged bidders both online and in-person at our first art event since 2019. Thus, we wish to thank New Chambers for hosting the in-person finale in November. Ultimately, Arts Law will take home $36,425, with the remaining $52,378 going back to the artists as part of our commitment to supporting individual artists.

It is always so enriching to see the committed support we receive from our community, a community which is eager to help us amplify our impact as an organisation. Ongoing donations are vital for a not-for-profit like us, so please consider making a donation before the year’s end.

Robyn Ayres, outgoing Arts Law CEO

Arts Law’s goal was to fundraise $100,000 in 2023’s Auction, and we have come tantalisingly close to achieving that. Please donate before the end of the year to ensure we can meet our goal. All money raised helps support our essential services, including legal advice, information sheets, and outreach. No donation is too small to make a difference and no donation goes unnoticed.

Partnerships were central to our Auction, and a full list of participating artists and art centres can be found below. From the Torres Strait to the heart of the Outback, included artworks were representative of the diversity of our nation. Arts Law extends our sincere thanks to all whom participated in 2023. If you would like to make a donation to Arts Law, visit our auction site here.

Participating Artists and Art Centres


  • Bob Gibson
  • Sally Tjimpuna Butler

Iltja Ntjarra Many Hands

  • Vanessa Inkamala
  • Ivy Pareroultja
  • Reinhold Inkamala
  • Benita Clements
  • Dellina Inkamala
  • Wayne Armstrong

Tangentyere Artists

  • Marjorie Nunga Williams
  • Sally Mulda


  • Nathania Nangala Granites
  • Reanne Nampijinpa Brown
  • Antonia Napangardi Michaels
  • Chantelle Nampijinpa Robertson
  • Jennifer Napaljarri Lewis
  • Omay Nampijinpa Gallagher
  • Bess Napanangka Poulson
  • Margaret Nangala Gallagher
  • Debbie Napaljarri Brown
  • Roschelle Nampijinpa Major

Mornington Island/Mirnidyan Gununa

  • Ethel Thomas
  • Christopher Watt
  • Ellen Roughsey
  • Netta Loogatha
  • Dorothy Gabori
  • Dolly Loogatha
  • Amanda Gabori
  • Amy Loogatha
  • John Williams
  • Arthur Roughsey


  • Neil Black
  • Nicholas Mario
  • Chris Black
  • Pauletta Kerinaiua
  • Timothy Cook
  • Conrad Tipungwuti Kamilowra

Erub Arts

  • Jimmy John Thaiday
  • Jimmy K Thaiday
  • Ellarose Savage
  • Emma Gela
  • Florence Gutchen
  • Lavinia Ketchell
  • Nancy Naawi
  • Racy Oui-Pitt
  • Erub Artists

Independent Artists

  • Helen Smith
  • Harry Hummerston
  • Brian Robinson
  • Matthew Wilson

Bula’Bula Arts

  • Daniel Warrulukuma
  • Peter Gambung
  • Shannon Ashley
  • Evonne Rraraypum
  • Benjamin Bindiwul
  • Billy Black

Warakurna Artists

  • Tjunka Lewis
  • Nancy Tjungupi Carnegie
  • Neville Niypula Mcarthur
  • Dorcas Tinamayi Bennett
  • Claude Waanamal Mowaljarlai
  • Peggy Madij Griffiths
  • BEN WARD Galmirrl

Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists

  • Charles Inkamala
  • Billy Kenda Tjampitjinpa
  • Adrian Robertson Jangala

Pormpuraaw Art & Culture Centre

  • Mavis Ngok Thaathunpum Benjamin
  • Jill Yantumba
  • Syd Bruce Shortjoe
  • Maurice Charlie
  • Mylene Holroyd
  • Meredith Arkwookerum

Maningrida Arts and Culture

  • Zipporah Nanguwerr
  • Apphia Wurrkidj Aphi Lindjuwanga
  • Pamela Namunjdja

Martumili Artists

  • Mary Rowlands
  • Elizabeth Toby
  • Roxanne Newberry
  • Marlene Anderson
  • Charlie Giligan
  • Sharon Porter
  • Bugai Whyoulter

Tjanpi Desert Weavers

  • Kim Dodd
  • Collette Stewart


  • Graham Toomey
  • Debra Beale
  • Ella Noah Bancroft
  • Nathan Falk
  • Brienna Geary
  • Jude Jarrett
  • Chenaya Bancroft-Davis
  • Annette Kennedy
  • Charmaine Davis
  • Nola Taylor
  • Val West

Ernabella Arts

  • Janice Stanley
  • Imiyri Adamson
  • Atipalku Intjalki
  • Carlene Thompson
  • Yurpiya Lionel

Studio A

  • Damian Showyin
  • Emily Crockford
  • Lauren Kerjan
  • Thom Roberts
  • Victoria Atkinson

Waringarri Arts

  • Ben Ward Galmirrl
  • Peggy Madij Griffiths
  • Claude Waanamal Mowaljarlai