Bonjour Barreau des Arts!

Robyn Ayres & Lucie Treguier in Paris,

Working with volunteers enables Arts Law to inspire the next generation of legal professionals to protect our artists. Amazingly, it appears this inspiration has now jumped across borders. CEO Robyn Ayres, currently in Paris, recently met with a former volunteer who has since established a similar organisation helping French artists. As Robyn recounts:

I caught up with Lucie Treguier, a French lawyer who was an intern at Arts Law a few years ago. Over coffee in a cute little cafe near her office in Paris, Lucie told me how Barreau des Arts was going. It’s a volunteer lawyer-for-the-arts organisation she founded after being inspired by her work with Arts Law. I was impressed that after only 3 years they have over 60 volunteer lawyers, a group of 25 student volunteers, and last year helped over 200 artists.

Robyn Ayres, Arts Law CEO

See to learn more about this burgeoning organisation.