Arts Law rides the waves on the South East coast

L-R: Rosalind Moffatt (Arts Law), Suzanne Derry (Arts Law) Louise Croker, Director of South Coast Arts and Jo-Anne Driessens (Arts Law). Photo taken at Ulludulla Civic Centre, NSW Photo by Elyshia Hopkinson (Local Artist) 2023

Arts Law visited the beautiful south east coast of NSW last week! Suzanne Derry (Senior Solicitor), Jo-Anne Driessens (AITB Coordinator) and Rosalind Moffatt (Solicitor) had the joy of working with some incredible artists and art organisations in the region.

From Bega to Kiama, the team carried out a marathon of workshops squeezing in 8 sessions over the course of the week. Arts Law had the pleasure of collaborating with Regional Arts Development Organisations – South Coast Arts and South East Arts who not only funded the trip but also helped organise and run the workshops. Thanks to both South Coast Arts, South East Arts and their wonderful teams.

Our team met up with artists at all stages of their art journey, from starting their own business to commissioning artwork for large community projects. We presented on the topics of copyright, contracts and Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property. All up over 40 artists attended the workshops, many were amazed to learn that Arts Law is such an accessible and low-cost means of receiving specialist legal advice.

It was great to meet so many artists practising in the south coast and to speak with them their arts rights in a casual, flexible way so that they could voice any concerns and openly discuss the challenges the artists in the area face. Big thanks to all the artists who came to the workshops to say hello to Arts Law. It was an especially stressful time for some artists because of the heightened fire warnings at the time, so our thoughts were and remain, with them.

If you are interested in a legal workshop for your organisation please get in touch at [email protected]

Jazz Williams and Ashweeni Mason (South East Arts) with Arts Law’s Suzanne Derry and Jo-Anne Driessens taken at Moruya, NSW. Photo by Jo-Anne Driessens 2023.