Leaving Brigg Shoes to Fill: Georgia Departs

Photo of Georgia Briggs by Stephen Oxenbury 2021

Arts Law’s long-time paralegal, Georgia Brigg, recently finished up her time at Arts Law. Many of our clients would have been greeted by her enthusiasm over the phone as she strove to connect them with wonderful lawyers. Before leaving, Georgia recapped her experience over the years at Arts Law:

I started at Arts Law two weeks before the 2020 lockdown. One minute I was in the office, and the next, I was working from a makeshift desk and navigating Zoom for the first time. I got to know my new colleagues online. Our work-from-home set ups became very familiar to each other in the backgrounds of our Teams meetings. I didn’t meet many of my co-workers in person until a year into the role. I was very lucky to start in such a welcoming environment at such a strange time.

I started at Arts Law as a part-time administration officer. This involved manning the inboxes, administering finances and reporting KPIs. Essentially, a lot of Excel – a skill I will be forever grateful to have developed here.  

Finishing up at Arts Law after three and a half years is bittersweet. Arts Law united my interest and experience in the arts and legal sectors. It has given me a strong sense of justice and appreciation for the incredible, varied work creatives do. I have been able to grow in the organisation, starting as an administration officer and then becoming a paralegal. Arts Law has always supported my professional development, giving me the flexibility to study my law degree and the chance to pursue opportunities that facilitate my professional development.  

I have been told that no one ever truly leaves Arts Law. Many of our volunteer lawyers worked at Arts Law previously and you’ll be sure to find many former Arts Law-ers at our events, so I look forward to staying a friend of Arts Law long into the future! 

Georgia Brigg