Embarking on Red Centre Outreach

Artist Selina Kulitja with Donna Robinson (Arts Law) and Conor Sheriden (Colin, Biggers & Paisley) at Maruku Arts & Crafts in Muṯitjulu. Photo by Katherine Giles.

Arts Law spent the last week in the red centre of Australia, aptly named because of the beautiful orange soil. We moved between Alice Springs and Uluru. We spend Wednesday morning at Bindi Mwerre art centre in Alice Springs.

Arts Law lawyers Katherine Giles and Donna Robinson were accompanied by Conor Sheridan, a specialist wills and estate lawyer from Colin Biggers & Paisley, who was assisting as part of the firm’s pro bono program.

We spent a couple of days at Hermannsburg Potters preparing wills and advising on deceased estates. We stayed overnight at the beautiful Glen Helen Gorge.

We then went to Bindi Mwerre art centre in Alice Springs and gave a workshop on artists rights to the fabulous artists Billy Kenda, Adrian Robertson and Charles Inkamala and worked with the art centre manager.

We then moved on to Uluru where we visited the Maruku studio and Walkatjara Arts where we again drafted wills.