Welcome Rob Bitmead

Rob Bitmead. Photo by Brendan Maier

Arts Law are pleased to announce the appointment of Rob Bitmead as our first WA-based Solicitor. Rob will be based in Perth and traveling throughout the state to deliver outreach, education and our Artists in the Black wills project.

Rob has a law degree from Murdoch University, WA and holds a Masters degree in International Development (University of Western Australia). He has previously worked for Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation with the Yamatji people in the Mid West region of Western Australia on an impressive native title settlement deal. Following this, in 2020 he moved to Native Title Services Goldfields and began working with the Wangkayi people in the Goldfields region. His work as a native title lawyer has provided him with skills as an educator, mediator, organiser, and facilitator, and we are excited for him to bring these skills to Arts Law and Artists in the Black.

Rob will be delivering outreach throughout the state as part of our project to deliver wills to Aboriginal artists living and working in Western Australia. This project had been generously funded through Impact100 WA. To find out more about Impact100 WA and some of the other amazing work they have made possible visit their website.