Webinar: Contracts for Collaborative Fashion Projects

Understanding contracts for fashion projects can seem overwhelming but this video will talk you through everything you need to know. You’ll learn practical tips to make better contracts to protect your work, yourself and others.

Working in fashion? Do you want to collaborate ethically with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists?

Are you an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artist? Have you been approached by fashion designers wanting to use your work?

Do you want to work on fashion projects that both celebrate and protect culture? Not sure where to start? Don’t miss this Arts Law webinar series for fashion designers and artists.

The session is the second in a series and will focus on contracts and fashion projects. We’ll take you through an agreement between an artist and designer, collaboration agreements and copyright licenses in more detail. You’ll learn what to look out for in a contract and what to do if things go wrong. Come away with tips and resources to help you build and use your own contracts. Thia webinar explaining contracts for fashion was recorded in February 2022.

Arts Law are presenting these webinars as part of its participation in the Indigenous Fashion project with the Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair Foundation.

Watch the first webinar in this series Copyright for Collaborative Fashion Projects.