Arts Law 2021 Art Auction in Review

On Country by Jennifer Mitchell

As our major yearly fundraising event Arts Law held our first ever online art auction this October.

We set an ambitious goal to raise $100,000 for artists and for Arts Law. After some nail-biting last minute bids, when the auction finally closed, we had surpassed our goal with a grand total of $118,943. This makes the 2021 auction our most successful art sale event ever! Thank you to all our supporters, bidders, browsers and sponsor for making this happen.

$71,790 in sales will go directly back to the artists, contributing to their income and helping support communities. The remaining proceeds will help support Arts Law and will enable us to continue delivering vital services to Australia’s creatives and arts organisations at a time when they are most in need.

A special thank you to all the artists and art centres involved:

Arts Ceduna, Australian Design Centre, Babbara Women’s Centre, Bana Yirriji Art Centre, Bindi Mwerre Anthurre Artists, Bula’Bula Arts, Ernabella, Gosia Wlodarczak, Hermannsburg Potters, Itlja Island Art Centre, Ngukurr Art Centre, Papulankutja, Spinifex Arts Project, Studio A, Tangentyere, Tjanpi Desert Weavers, Tjarlili, Warakurna Artists, Waringarri Arts, Warlayirti, Warlukurlangu, and Warnayaka Art

Arts Law would also like to acknowledge the generous support of New Chambers who proudly supported this auction.

“It is a great honour for the barristers and staff at New Chambers to be in a position to sponsor the Arts Law auction in 2021.

New Chambers was looking forward to hosting the Arts Law auction this year but, of course, Covid intervened. We are grateful that Arts Law has shown the skill and agility to convert a face-to-face event to something as meaningful, comprehensive and inclusive as the auction running in the next few weeks.

Arts Law is a wonderful organisation with a great history with its staff, members and volunteers having the foresight and wisdom to identify a gap in society where lawyers can make a real difference for the Arts Community. 

New Chambers looks forward to hosting Arts Law with a face-to-face function in October 2022. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to bid high and often at the online auction.”

Arthur Moses SC, New Chambers, October 2021

For the bidders and browsers, your generosity helps build a thriving art sector and directly supports Australia’s artists and creatives.

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for any upcoming art sale announcements.