Support Us

There are many ways you can support Arts Law and the work we do for artists and the arts community of Australia.

When you support Arts Law it means we can support Australia’s artists.

Empowering artists is at the heart of what we do.

We stand up for artists’ rights, make sure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists are respected wherever their art is seen in Australia and we are on the front line of providing legal advice to creators all around the country. 

By contributing to Arts Law you recognise the importance of artists and art to our lives. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Arts Law today.


Assist us by volunteering as a panel lawyer or student volunteer.


Increasingly Arts Law needs your financial support to continue providing access to legal advice and resources for artists in Australia. You can meet some of the artists we have helped over the years and see the impact we’ve had on their lives. Make a Donation today.

Adopt a Lawyer

The Adopt a Lawyer pro bono program partners Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community arts centres with an experienced law firm for period of three years, fostering partnerships that enable art centres to secure greater access to legal advice as well as building a closer relationship between law firms and Australia’s ancient Indigenous culture. 

Thank You to our Arts Law Allies, donors of over $1000 who help us stand with Australia’s artists.


  • Andrew Wiseman
  • The Hon David Levine AO RFD QC
  • King & Wood Mallesons
  • Norton Rose Fulbright
  • Simpson-Michel Foundation


  • Jeffrey Hilton SC
  • Colin Biggers & Paisley


  • Her Excellency the Hon Margaret Beazley AC QC
  • Adam Casselden SC
  • Allan Myers AC QC
  • Alec Leopold SC
  • Alison Leslie
  • Alison Renwick
  • Dr Andrew Lu OAM
  • Anthony Crimmings
  • Ashurst
  • Charles Alexander
  • David Marr
  • Deb Camden
  • The Hon Elizabeth Evatt AC
  • Ezekiel Solomon AM
  • Prof Geoffrey Lancaster AM
  • The Hon George Palmer AM QC
  • The Greatorex Fund
  • Holding Redlich
  • Jacqueline McGrath
  • Jason Craig
  • Jo Renkin
  • The Hon Justice Francois Kunc SC
  • The Hon Margaret White AO & Dr Michael White OAM QC
  • Landers & Rogers
  • Margaret Waller
  • Marion Heathcote
  • Mark Dempsey SC & Jodi Steele SC
  • Martin Place Chambers
  • Nathan Hepple & Sarah Tempest
  • Navid Bahadori
  • Noel Hutley SC
  • Patrick Corrigan AM
  • Richard Potter SC
  • Ruth Ritchie
  • Wendy Brooks

Thank you to all our generous donors