
Arts Law is a trusted advocate for artists’ rights and we recommend changes to the law to benefit the arts sector. Our goal is to improve the rights of artists and their access to justice. We also aim to ensure recognition and better protection and respect for Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.

As Australia’s only community legal centre for the arts we are in a unique position to connect the arts world and legal community. Arts Law’s powerful voice comes from our experience working with Australian artists for over 38 years.

Some of our current advocacy projects include:

The ‘Fake Art Harms Culture’ campaign was created to address the concern of widespread sale of works that have the ‘look and feel’ of being Indigenous but actually have no connection to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Get involved in the Fake Art Harms Culture Campaign

Arts Law maintains an ongoing watch of terms and conditions in prizes and competitions for artists in Australia and overseas and gives those terms and conditions a rating out of 5 stars.

Find out more about our prize and competition reviews