Carol Langley – Understanding liability when publishing images and interviews.

Verushka DaRling
Verushka DaRling
Verushka DaRling

Over the course of 2005, then Arts Law lawyer Katherine Giles and one of our pro bono lawyers gave several advices to writer Carol Langley about her book “Beneath the Sequined Surface”. Initially Carol wanted to make sure that she had appropriate interviewee releases from the people whom she interviewed for the book about the Sydney drag scene and its performers. She later sought advice on a photographer’s release to ensure proper protection for her many lavish photographs that illustrate the book. Finally, as the book was about to go to print, Carol was alerted to the fact that she may incur liability if there was anything defamatory in her book. Katherine Giles reviewed several sections of the book and pointed out where there might be a problem, enabling Carol to make some last minute changes.

Arts Law was delighted to receive a copy of her beautiful book which was published in early 2006.