2022 Pro Bono Awards Winners Announced!

Congratulations to all our 2022 Pro Bono Award winners. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces join us for another in person celebration at King & Wood Mallesons Sydney office last week.

Rebecca Stanley, Senior Associate and Coordinator of the Arts Law Document Review Service at KWM welcomed us along with our guests, Arts Law Allies, Board, staff and of course our wonderful volunteer lawyers. She also shared with us about KWM’s new five-year strategy for Community Impact Standing Strong and Tall Together. Arts Law is proud to be a small part of the work that KWM are doing to support communities around Australia.

We delivered 2,235 legal advices in 2021, including 709 document reviews. Together pro bono lawyers and professionals gave over 5400 hours of their time to Arts Law. Without this contribution of pro bono lawyers’ time, expertise and skill we would not be able to achieve so much. The generosity of Australia’s legal community is what makes our work possible.


Colin Hanns – Macpherson Kelley Lawyers

Derek Baigent – Griffith Hack

Ed Lyons – Lander & Rogers

Emilie Blake – Marque Lawyers

Emily Martin – Muse Legal

Guy Donovan – Holding Redlich

Harry Knight – Xero

Howard Adams – Cornersoul

Ian McDonald – Simpsons Solicitors

Ivan Posa – IP Australia

Jeff Bergman – Solubility

Jennifer Arnup – ABC

Juliet Evans – Griffith Hack

Katherine Giles – MinterEllison

Luke Hawthorne – King & Wood Mallesons

Mandy Van Den Elshout – Sole Practitioner

Mark Williamson – Quest Legal

Michael Easton – Easton Legal

Moira McKenzie – Moira McKenzie Legal

Nick Linke – Dentons

Rachel Chua – Australian Government Solicitors

Rebecca Stanley – King & Wood Mallesons

Richard Potter SC – 153 Phillip Barristers

Sarah Woolcott – BMG Australia

Shariqa Mestroni – Bird & Bird

Sophie Ciufo – Marque Lawyers

Stephen Dodd – Dentons

Tess McGuire – MinterEllison

Thomas Lynch – Kay & hughes

Tiernan Christensen – Allens

Vincent Floro – Gilbert + Tobin

Law Firms


Australian Government Solicitors

King & Wood Mallesons

Lander & Rogers

Thank you again for your outstanding contributions to Arts Law and Australia’s artists in 2021!